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Regional Transportation Plan

Serving as the federally-designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Nashville metropolitan planning area, the Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) is responsible for developing a regional transportation plan for an area comprised of Davidson, Maury, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson counties.  To ensure seamless planning for the entire Middle Tennessee area, GNRC coordinates with TDOT and the Clarksville Urbanized Area MPO.  This includes collaboration in the development of the Tennessee Long-Range Transportation Plan and the Clarksville Urbanized Area Long-Range Transportation Plan.

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), spans the next quarter-century and represents the collective transportation goals of city and county governments, transit agencies, and TDOT.  The current plan, entitled "Middle Tennessee Connected" was adopted by area mayors and transportation officials in February 2021. Contents can be accessed using the links on the left-hand side of the page.

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